Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pete Newell - How to Avg. 18 points

I came across this interesting breakdown from Coach Pete Newell.  Coach Newell is and was the most respected big man coach in the game.  He had a legendary camp for "Bigs" that even NBA assistants lobbied hard for the chance to work at.  He came up with this "process" that a big man could average 18 points on only 2 post feeds.

Every big man thinks they need more "touches".  Coach Newell came up with this process for bigger players, but the process can be applied to other positions as well.

No reason someone who is not a great shooter can't get 10-12 points a game on hustle plays.  In the following process, just take out post feeds and only make 2 FT's.  The player still gets 10-12 points.  These ways to score can also be back breakers for your opponent.  Cheap baskets, offensive rebounds, out running someone on the break for a layup.

The following is a "process" to average 18 points with only "2 post feeds".

Process To Average 18 Points In The Post

1.    Run the floor for a layupà2pts

2.    Two offensive rebound put backsà4pts

3.    Two cheap basketsà4pts

4.    Two post feedsà4pts

5.    Four FT’sà4pts


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