Friday, November 25, 2011

Dallas - pt 2

One of the highlights at Cowboys Stadium was freshman Evan Pederson kicking a 35 yd field goal. Kevin Hoffman was the long snapper and Tom Gores was the holder.
Despite being upset Saturday afternoon about an 0-2 start, Coach Adam Eberhardt, my wife Emmy, my brother and myself decided to go downtown Dallas and visit the 6th Floor Museum. This is the museum located on the 6th floor where they believe Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots that killed President John F. Kennedy in 1963. A must see in Dallas and well worth the $13.50. They give you headphones and something the size of probably an ipod touch that walks you through the start of his presidency through the investigation and on to the legacy of JFK. I believe you could start the tour knowing nothing about the situation and leave knowing the whole story and wanting to learn more about other conspiracy theories. All 4 of us were so glad we took the time to go there. After the museum we spent some time outside at the grassy knoll and looking up at the angle from street to 6th floor. There are 2 X's on the street where the shots hit the President.
Saturday night we gave the guys a taste of Texas BBQ at "Off the Bone Barbecue". It was voted best BBQ in Dallas in 2009. Food was off the charts. We even had our picture taken for the wall of fame. Hopefully go up next to Jason Terry of the Mavs and former NBA coach Don Nelson. After dinner we took the team back to Dealey Plaza and gave them a little history lesson about what happened 48 years ago in that same spot. Guys had tons of questions and it was a cool experience for them to now say they've been there.
Although we didn't get the W's we were looking for, it was a good trip and hopefully we did some things that they will remember for a long time. That's part of the experience when taking a trip.

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