Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do What You Know, Know What You Do

A passage from Hall of Famer Pete and it was taken from the book "A Good Man: The Pete Newell Story by Bruce Jenkins."  Coach Newell was referencing a conversation he had with Bob Knight regarding his motion offense.

“He set up that motion offense right on the floor of our living room. We have the chairs out, everything spread out all over the place. It was almost like a court and Florence was right there with us. The thing was, Bobby understood that offense and he believes in it. What you do, you’ve got to know. Too often a coach will accept the tenets of another successful coach and go against what he’s seen and known himself. You might appreciate Bobby’s offense, but you don’t have the first clue how to teach it, how to break it down, how to put it together. But because Bobby Knight did it, by God you’ll try it. Some guys don’t realize that a few lectures and a blackboard won’t win them the championship.”

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